3D Gallery

The 3D Gallery is a place where people can share their 3D creations or replications of classic stereo views. It is located at Ofoto.com. Visitors can visit Ofoto, view the pictures in low-res mode, and order prints of those views for the reproduction price of the prints. Since Ofoto is a photo print company, stereo slides are not available.

Purpose of this gallery

This gallery was set up for two different reasons; to allow people to share their stereo views, and to collect stereoviews royalty-free. People who submit views do so with the understanding that they will not be receiving compensation for them. Reproductions of old stereoviews should only be submitted if the views are out of copyright.

How do I get there?

Direct your browser to http://www.ofoto.com. You will be asked to sign in. Click the "Sign In" button. Enter your  "Email Address" as 3dGallery@Skep.com and an "Ofoto Password" of holmes. There will be "Albums" of different types of 3D views. Click on an album to see the views that are available in it. To see larger versions of the prints displayed in an album, click the thumbnail view. A slideshow window will open. You can navigate around the slideshow by using the directional buttons at the top of the window. If you have a slow connection to the internet, you may want to close the slide show and click on a different thumbnail. This will allow you to see the pictures you are interested in without downloading all the views in between. You can order prints of any of the views that you like.

How do I order prints?

Go to Ofoto and sign in as indicated in "How do I get there?". In the album that has the views you are interested in, review the pictures. You can indicate the pictures you want one of two ways; check the "Order Print" box of a particular photo on the thumbnail page, or click the "Add print to cart" selection at the top of the slideshow view. These two methods are not coordinated by Ofoto so care must be taken not to order double prints if you don't intend to. The recommended method is to click the "Order Print" box in the thumbnail view. When you have selected all the prints you want, click the "Add Checked Items to Cart" button. A screen showing all items in your shopping cart will appear. Check this screen carefully! Since many people use this site, there may be items left in the shopping cart from previous visitors. You are responsible for making sure your order is correct. If you decide there is a view you don't want, change the quantity to 0 (zero). If you want more than one copy of a particular view, change the quantity to the number you want. Ofoto defaults their prints to the "Zoom and Trim" option. This can result in deleting part of the picture as often as not. It is recommended that you turn it off at the bottom of the page. If you make any changes while reviewing the items in your shopping cart, be sure to hit the "Recalculate" button at the bottom of the page. When you are ready to order, click the "Continue" button.  The "Select a Recipient" page will appear. It will show the address of the last person person to order prints. If you have not ordered prints before, click on the "new address" link and fill in your shipping information. If you have ordered prints before, you can click the "address book" link and select your address from the list. Click the "Continue" button to select your shipping method. Click "Continue" again to proceed to the "Check Out" page. [More to come]

How do I submit pictures?

Go to Ofoto and sign in as indicated in "How do I get there?". [More to come]

Technical considerations

Ofoto makes their prints at a resolution of 250 pixels per inch. [More to come]